Failed Back Surgery

Back surgery is a big deal. 

If you have been through it, or supported a loved one through the ordeal of surgery, you know. You know the anxiety of waiting, the hope of a solution, the fear of the big day, the sick & confused feeling as you wake up in the recovery room, followed by the grueling recovery.

Now can you imagine if after all the appointments, waiting, pain, disruption and fear, the pain is still present. Or, even worse, the pain has intensified.

This is a failed back surgery. And it is a deflating moment. After all the anticipation and promises of a better future, hopes are dashed and depression sneaks in. Frighteningly, 40% of people who undergo surgery end up with worse pain than they were in before. Operating out of pain is not a ​​viable option with only 30% of second back surgeries being successful, with the numbers dropping off dramatically with only 15% and 5% success rates for third and fourth surgeries. This is common enough that it has its own term, Failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS). 

Unfortunately, we see far too many patients who were promised a ‘quick’ cure with a ‘simple’ surgery only to find themselves in the same or even worse shape than before the surgery. At Peachtree City Acupuncture we have a proven solution for failed back surgery. 

When we first met Mr. Johnson, he felt hopeless and helpless when he came to our clinic with a very familiar story. He had the common trifecta of stenosis, arthritis, and degenerative disc disease. Previously, he was an avid golfer, but now the idea of walking a full 18 holes was now out of the question. Even riding 9 holes was starting to be an issue since sitting​​ down hurt his back, legs and feet. He was spending less time on the golf course with friends, leaving him feeling isolated and alone. Playing with his two young grandkids was taking its toll on his back too. He couldn't take them on simple golf cart rides to the park. His favorite tradition of playing catch with the little ones had been put on hold for fear of pain. He confessed he felt older than his 65 years. 

After years of increasing pain medication, injections and round after round of physical therapy he bit the bullet and had spinal fusion surgery. He had a surgeon with a great reputation, and his son even came to help him out during the recovery. 

But it didn't take his family long to notice something wasn't right. 

After 6 weeks his pain had not lessened. After 3 months walking to the bathroom was a struggle. And after a full six months post surgery, his back was worse than before. He suffered with sharp, stabbing back pain while walking and sitting. Numbness in his legs caused his gait to be unstable, leading to knee and ankle pain. He fell asleep with medication, only to be woken up by back spasms. His wife was the first to notice the depression creeping in. 

“He wasn't interested in anything anymore, and he was sharp with everyone. I knew it was because he was hurting so bad. He stopped playing golf, and I was desperate to find him some relief.” 

When he came to us as a last resort, Mrs. Johnson shared most of his story, and she was at the end of her rope with treatments that promised big and under-delivered. Mr. Johnson skeptically started his treatments the day he came in for a consultation. By following our expert doctors plan of care Mrs. Johnson started to see a difference in her husband’s condition. 

“At first it was a glimmer of hope I hadn't seen with any of the other things we tried. Then I knew we had had a breakthrough when he slept through the night for the first time in six months.”  

A key moment in Mr. Johnson’s recovery was when pain was no longer on the forefront of his mind. He stopped bracing himself for pain with the simple activities of putting on his shoes. A walk to the bathroom in the middle of the night no longer took herculean effort. He was able to drive his wife to date night, and enjoy a leisurely dinner for over an hour without pain creeping in. He is back out on the golf course, connecting with his friends. He feels alive again. 

“I am most grateful for the time I get to spend with my grandchildren without pain. They light up my world. I can’t believe there was a time I let pain interfere with my time with them.” 

If you are suffering after failed back surgery, Peachtree City Acupuncture has a proven solution to help you get your life back. Give us a call today to schedule your consultation with one of our doctors. Put pain in the past. Start living life again!