Post Surgical Neuropathic Pain
Janice was relieved when she learned that her back pain was something that could be fixed with surgery. She wasn't the type to run to surgery as a solution, but when the pain in her back was keeping her from her daily training walk in the neighborhood with her girl friends for the Turkey Trot come November, she knew she had to do something. Her girl friends supported her through the surgery, and her best friend Deborah was there for her from her pre-op appointment to her post-op visit. “After surgery my back had changed from a sharp pain, to a dull ache and I thought I was in the clear.” Janice reveals. “However as soon as the heavy duty pain meds wore off, I started to feel sharp shooting pains in my feet! I couldn't wear my walking shoes because my feet felt excruciating.”
Rediscovering Life: Linda's Victory Over Long COVID
Linda was a ray of sunshine for everyone who met her. Living well meant embracing every moment! She loved to garden on her and her husband Ricky’s 2 acres outside of Senoia. She also loved weekly bridge night, catching up with other couples and living the retirement life to the fullest! But in Fall of 2020 she contracted COVID-19, and everything changed. What began as a frightening illness morphed into a prolonged nightmare known as long COVID.
Overcoming the Agony of Severe Period Cramps
Nicole's life was a war she was losing. Each month, the arrival of her period heralded a storm of debilitating cramps that left her gasping for relief. What should have been a natural part of life turned into a recurring nightmare, rendering her powerless and overwhelmed.
Nicole's period cramps were not just uncomfortable—they were excruciating. The pain radiated from her lower abdomen, wrapping around her lower back and shooting down her legs. At its worst, it felt like her insides were being twisted and torn apart. She would often find herself curled up on the bathroom floor, drenched in sweat, unable to move or even think clearly.
Rising from the Ashes: David's Journey of Stroke Recovery
In the blink of an eye, life can change forever. For David Moor of Peachtree City, a stroke suffered on October 11th 2023 was a life-shattering event, plunging him and his entire family into sudden and overwhelming change. His life, and that of his wife and adult children was altered forever. For his wife Brenda, especially those first 6 months became a series of small, painstaking steps. Yet, within this arduous journey lies a powerful testament to human resilience and the unyielding spirit of recovery.
Relief for Postherpetic-neuralgia
At first the burning itching irritation on her face was something Ange thought she could live with. She was busy planning her daughter’s high school graduation party, and she was distracted enough to ignore it during the day. She got a script for gabapentin, and quickly dismissed taking it, due to the exhaustion and dizziness she was feeling while on it.
Losing your mind? Or is it perimenopause?
Jessica just knew that she was losing her mind. Her right forearm was starting to itch at random times and was driving her batty. Her children’s squeals of delight while playing on the backyard trampoline were like nails on a chalkboard inside her skull. And her devoted husband’s every move was causing her to contemplate divorce, or bodily injury, if he didn't chew more quietly, text less spastically, or park in the right spot in the driveway.
Can endometriosis cause infertility?
Jazmine is one of the 50% of women with endometriosis, who’s condition causes infertility. She was used to the painful heavy periods, bloating and nausea, fatigue and dizziness while on her cycle. “I honestly thought all of that was normal while on your period, because it is what my mother and sisters had as well.” Jazmine shared.
When Jazmine blew out the 35 candles on her birthday cake last year, she had the vision that she needed to get serious about starting a family.
Hope for Chemo- Induced Neuropathy (CIPN)
“I was diagnosed in 2021 with stage 4 breast cancer, and went through months of chemotherapy and radiation. I am lucky to be here.” shares Cheryl of Newnan. Life as a breast cancer survivor has its challenges. “I used to love walking around the lake with my girl friends, but now I am having difficulty walking around my living room!” Cancer treatment saves lives, and we are beyond grateful for that.
Betty finds the best solution for her husband’s back pain
Did you know that chronic low back pain is negatively affecting 8 out of every 10 Americans? However, not everyone knows the secret to success for making this common problem an uncommon occurrence! At Peachtree City Acupuncture we have a proven solution to get you back on your feet doing what you love. Captain Craig Johnson of Peachtree City, GA was one such patient. He had been suffering with chronic low back pain since he had retired after 30 years of flying for Delta.
Diane discovers osteoarthritis can't put a crimp in her tennis game
Diane had been noticing stiffness in her joints for a few years, and just chalked it up to getting older. She was active at the Peachtree City Tennis Center, but starting to notice her serve was going down hill due to stiffness in her shoulder. She also felt blessed to have her son’s family nearby and took great pride in helping out every Tuesday with her two and five year old granddaughters.
Top 3 home remedies for sinusitis
From the green, gross, mess caking our cars, to the sound of sniffling, sneezing and coughing permeating our offices and schools to missed days of work it's not hard to tell that pollen season has come to the South!
For some, allergy season is an annoying nuisance, leading to temporary red eyes, sneezing and cough. For others it is a reason to go to the car wash weekly to wash off the green blanket of powder pollen blanketing their cars. But for others pollen can easily lead to sinusitis and prolonged sinus infections.
Idiopathic Infertility the diagnosis with the most questions.
3 out of 10 couples who are diagnosed with infertility have what is know as idiopathic infertility. Idiopathic is a fancy medical way of saying “we have no idea why you can’t conceive.”
Sarah and Dan of Newnan were one such couple. “We wanted to wait a few years after we got married to start a family.” Dan explained
The green menace! The best natural remedy for pollen allergies just might surprise you.
Those of us who live in Peachtree City can sense it coming. The beautiful bloom of spring flowers, and buds on trees heralds not only the beginning of a lovely spring, but the dreaded pollen as well. Coating our vehicles, homes, and pets with its fluorescent green dust, this pollen bloom sends thousands of locals into fits of sneezing, runny nose and itchy eyes every year.
Did a mom find the best solution for migraines?
Migraines are excruciating, headaches that come and go on frequently. Sometimes monthly, weekly, or even daily. They cause debilitating nausea and vomiting, can't think straight pounding pain, and the need to lay in a dark, quiet room for hours at a time. More than 30 million Americans suffer from migraines at some point in their life. And the incidence is twice as high among women!
Hope for Fibromyalgia
When you wake up in a panic every morning because you know you are going to be in pain, but you are terrified to find out where. When you have three good days in a row, and start to get your hopes up, only to have that hope dashed when you wake in excruciating pain from your knees to your toes. When you are tired of canceling plans with friends, so you give up and stop making any. When you feel your life’s energy has been sucked out, and you don't even remember what you were like before the debilitating exhaustion set in…
Does acupuncture help peripheral neuropathy?
Walking on glass, being stabbed by a red hot poker, like ants crawling on me, like I have a sharp rock in my shoe that I can't get out. These powerful phrases are just a few of the ways our patients have described what it is like to suffer with peripheral neuropathy. This degenerative condition impacts the lives of millions of Americans each year, depriving them of mobility, peace of mind, and freedom to live the life they dreamed of.
Does PCOS cause infertility?
Everywhere you look… yet another friend announcing her pregnancy. You want to be filled with joy but instead you are filled with despair. Your period is late again, getting your hopes up about starting a family, only to have that one single line staring back at you from a pregnancy test month after month…
Failed Back Surgery
Back surgery is a big deal.
If you have been through it, or supported a loved one through the ordeal of surgery, you know. You know the anxiety of waiting, the hope of a solution, the fear of the big day, the sick & confused feeling as you wake up in the recovery room, followed by the grueling recovery. Now can you imagine if after all the appointments, waiting, pain, disruption and fear, the pain is still present. Or, even worse, the pain has intensified….
Bladder Leakage
There are no two ways about it, urinary incontinence is incredibly common and incredibly frustrating. Worrying at every sneeze; unable to jog after the little ones for fear of leaking; limiting your life based on embarrassment and fear is the sad truth for too many folks with bladder leakage…