Diane discovers osteoarthritis can't put a crimp in her tennis game
Diane had been noticing stiffness in her joints for a few years, and just chalked it up to getting older. She was active at the Peachtree City Tennis Center, but starting to notice her game was going down hill due to stiffness in her hands. She wasn't one to complain, and felt so blessed to have her son’s family nearby and took great pride in helping out every Tuesday with her two and five year old granddaughters.
“One day it was a blustery cold day and I was trying to snap Sarah into her car seat” remembers Diane “and my thumbs just wouldn't work. They were so painful and I was so scared that I wouldn't be able to get my beautiful granddaughter home safely.”
While osteoarthritis is incredibly common, Diane didn't understand how it would start to effect multiple joints AND her daily life. Osteoarthritis pain can come with a terrifying “bone on bone” grating sensation. It also often rears its ugly head when you first get out of bed, plaguing you with stiffness. It can notoriously be made worse by putting even moderate pressure, like when playing tennis or golf, cooking, gardening, or even clicking a car seat.
Diane told Morgan, a clinical support assistant at Peachtree City Acupuncture. “My family doctor told me to take Aleve, Voltearen, and get more exercise! I play tennis 3 days a week and chase those grand babies. A lack of exercise is not my problem! I just didn't want to start down the road of taking pills. I knew there had to be other options.”
Dr. Frank brings to bear over 15 years of experience addressing osteoarthritis pain. “Using the time tested power of acupuncture blended with modern science we are able to see up to a 90% improvement in our patients suffering with osteoarthritic pain.” He states.
We have pioneered non-pharmaceutical, non-surgical innovative medical solutions that not only address the pain itself, but its cause as well.
Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years to reduce inflammation, increase blood flow, and stimulate the release of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers. To expedite this process, we integrate a targeted microcurrent therapy called ATP Resonance BioTherapy™. This technology was originally developed by NASA to expedite healing and recovery.
“If you would have asked me if I would have been feeling better than I had in years after a little acupuncture, I wouldn't have believed it. But I do! My tennis game has improved, I am not as worn out at the end of the day from pain. And best of all I can take care of my granddaughters without feeling limited! I am truly, deeply thankful for Dr. Frank.”
If you or someone you know are suffering from joint pain from osteoarthritis, stop waiting, and give us a call to schedule your consultation today.